Last Updated: Jan 04, 2021     Views: 88

The NIE Library practices a mediated deposit, whereby library staff creates the metadata and uploads the deposited papers on behalf of patrons. 

The PI of the project / NIE author is advised to verify in Sherpa Romeo which version can be deposited in the institutional repository:

  • Submitted version (i.e pre-print / pre-refereed paper / working draft): Version of paper submitted to the submitted to the journal for consideration. At this point, no action has yet been taken on your paper. The Editor-in-chief or editorial assistants will be checking whether your manuscript meets the journal's requirements.
  • Accepted version (i.e post-print / post-refereed paper / pre-proof): Version of paper accepted for publication. Typically includes author-incorporated changes suggested during submission, peer review, and editor-author communications.
  • Publisher’s version (i.e version of record): This is the version of the paper as it appears on the publisher’s website. Includes the publisher’s further revisions and typesetting, as it appears online or in print.

Submit through the Self-Deposit Form:

In the event that the version of the paper deposited does not comply with the publisher's self-archival policies, our library staff will inform you of the status. We will also set an embargo period in accordance to publisher's self-archival policies (e.g 12 - 36 months).

For more information on self-archiving your work with the library, please refer to:

Contact Us

Library and Information Services Centre (LIBRIS)
National Institute of Education
1 Nanyang Walk
Singapore 637616

(+65) 6790-3626
(+65) 6790-3626